If you have an e-shop, you also have alot of invoices that are costly to account. Thanks to us, you will no longer have to think about accounting.
By using the most modern technologies, we can efficiently process an unlimited number of accounting documents and offer you the most favorable price for accounting on the market.
Service suitable for:
"The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.
So the customer gives employment.“— Peter Drucker
+421 903 272 677
Mon – Fri: 9-16
Račianska 26/D, 831 02 Bratislava
Ponúkame dlhoročné skúsenosti, kvalitu, efektivitu i predvídanie budúceho diania na trhu. Ak hľadáte niekoho na vedenie účtovníctva, sme tu pre vás.
We offer many years of experience, quality, efficiency and anticipation of future events on the market. If you are looking for someone to do the bookkeeping, we are here for you.
PO-PIA 9-16 hod.
Račianska 26/D, 831 02 Bratislava
MON-FRI 9-16
Račianska 26/D, 831 02 Bratislava
+421 903 272 677